Saturday, 31 December 2011

Bye bye's (finally) time to say good bye to you...! Welcome 2012

If I recap my experiences in 2011, I am sure I have all the ingredients for a platinum-hit Bollywood movie. It has been a roller-coaster of a year (to say the least). Had a breakup (right at the 1st week of January 2011), somehow got over it, met another girl...was very happy with her...but then lied about things to her and our relationship got worse, then finally when I was sincerely making efforts to improve myself and when I thought that we both were making progress to get together, then I found that she was cheating on me... (sounds funny now, but it has been insanely frustrating and dramatic...!). Till 23rd November (my last post), I was very happy since I felt that 2011 would at least end on a good note...but then, I am not one deciding my fate (as Shakespeare would say: "I hold the world but as the world, Gratiano, A stage, where every man must play a part; And mine a sad one.")...and indeed mine was a sad one (at least in 2011). This year had a lot for me to learn...mostly the hard way...but then what we learn the hard way, possibly (and hopefully) stays longer with us. I am sure what I have learned this year, will stay with me for the rest of my life.

But being truly human, I believe that none of us is perfect and we all make mistakes. But, at the same time, being an eternal optimist, I believe in myself that I can get over my mistakes and make sure not to repeat those. Coming year, I have loads of plans, just to keep me busy and make sure that I feel better about myself. I want to travel to places, where I have never been or probably will never go either (once back in India), get going with my hobbies and interests and just keep myself busy. So I have to enjoy the coming year, be happy and keep learning (even if it is the hard way).

Yesterday, I was thinking of my motto for 2012 and I can put it up as below:

"Welcome can only get better from here on...! Let go what was never mine and mend my present to make sure my future is happier. Live every moment this year as if there is no tomorrow...who knows maybe Nostradamus and Mayans might be right about 2012...!!!"

Stay happy and stay blessed...and welcome 2012 with both hands. Wishing a very happy New Year to all.............................